OUTPUTS from LANDCO Bio-Refineries

- Bio-fertilizers from Landco modules with more efficiency and cheaper than classical fertilisers.
- High level of Nitrogen within the fertilizer makes it highly competitive against conventional chemical fertilizers.
- Available in different forms: liquid for fertigation, pellets, biochar...etc...

- Autonomous and carbon negative bio-electricity.
- Blü power can be stored as safety net or transportable bio-electricity.
- Carbon offset.

- Super Pure Blü water is free of bacteria, virus and/or micro-plastics and is certified as drinking water by the EU. Our Polymer Membrane technology is the only type of its kind to filter at 8 nano meter level.
- All Heavy Metals and micro-pollutants are eliminated from the water output.
- BLü Water can be delivered for pharmaceutical uses, waterjet cutting and/or for other precision needs.